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Pacific Prime Latin America launches its brand new website!

Drum roll, please…

At long last, the moment we have all been waiting for has arrived. We are incredibly excited to announce that our official, client-centric, and functional website is now up and running!

You’ll now be able to explore the full breadth and depth of numerous pages related to health insurance in Latin America. These pages are designed to allow expats and locals – or even travelers visiting Mexico – to obtain the best health insurance plan for their specific needs and budget.

Read on below to find out more about Pacific Prime Latin America, what our website has to offer, and how Pacific Prime came about.

About Pacific Prime Latin America

Pacific Prime Latin America was born out of the need to be closer to our clients in Latin America, but to also bring Pacific Prime’s international exposure and experience to the local level in Mexico, and its neighboring countries in Latin America.

Rewinding back to 2018, our CEO and Founder, Neil Raymond, set out his plans to set up an office with only a handful of experienced and trusted colleagues. Together, they navigated the new terrains and embraced difficulties along the way, such as aligning to local compliance and regulations in Mexico. Fortunately, with Neil’s vast experience and support from his team, they were able to lay down the necessary foundations to become a licensed office.

Our multi-lingual team

Fast forward to 2020 and Pacific Prime Latin America is a fully licensed office with an ever-expanding team of talented and knowledgeable experts. Our current team is made up of 15 full-time members of staff that represent 7 nationalities. Collectively, the team speaks a total of 8 languages, which adds strength to the team’s abilities to cater to the needs of clients.

Table of nationalities and spoken languages at Pacific Prime Latin America

7 Nationalities

8 Spoken Languages












(More to come in 2020)


Source: Pacific Prime Latin America

“Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.” – Dumbledore

Our diverse background

Diversity is key for Pacific Prime Latin America to understand the insurance landscape both regionally and internationally. Thus, having a team that fully represents the community it caters to means we can easily relate with clients no matter their background or location.

Location is prime for connecting to clients

Over the years, Mexico City has been establishing a name for itself as a tech hub and a thriving modern business environment. The remarkable progress by the city means that Pacific Prime Latin America can leverage its position and provide insurance services and products to the people looking for them.

What our staff can do

Our office is made up of sales and administrative professionals. On the sales side, our experienced insurance advisors are the first point of contact for prospective clients and those that are already members in Latin America

Experienced and knowledgeable advisors

Our advisors are available to answer any questions that members or prospective clients may have, liaise with local and global insurers, and provide whatever service is necessary to ensure the best possible outcome to just about any health insurance scenario.

Diligent administrative staff

Our administrative team members work diligently behind the scenes to minimize and prevent any potential insurance problems and delays in processing applications. More so, they are the workhorses of our office, some of them are experienced and all-rounded with years of experience. They are truly reliable and efficient in their performance to support the sales team, and also provide clients with any assistance whenever needed.

Pacific Prime Latin America’s services

Our goal is to provide insurance services to individuals, families, and businesses in Latin America and the world over. The services that we provide include:

  • Insurance consultation
  • Product recommendation
  • Data gathering
  • Plan application
  • Policy orientation
  • Regular communication
  • Claim assistance
  • Renewals
  • Insurer liaison

Corporate members also gain access to these additional features:

  • Plan usage and claims data analysis
  • Loss ratio benchmarking
  • Dedicated client relationship team
  • Wellness plan design
  • Customized human resources/employee online insurance portal

Website features

Pacific Prime Latin America’s website has a number of different features that most competitors out there would crave for. Our new website offers the latest user experience and is tailored to the needs of those looking for information on health insurance. With this in mind, let’s have a look at the important sections of the website and explore some of its unique features.


Since our motto is “simplifying insurance”, the layout of our homepage reflects just that. The different sections, notably the insurance plans, insurance advice, and insurance partners are laid out in blocks. Each block is clearly labeled and structured. The design is simple and allows viewers to easily navigate the site.

Online quotation tool

Our goal to simplify health insurance for clients begins with our online quotation tool. You will find our online quotation tool embedded across most of our pages.

The comparison tool will allow you to receive a quick, online quote based on the following criteria:

  • Your country of cover
  • The length of coverage required
  • The types of coverage you will need
  • Your age and gender

Based on these details, the tool will provide you with a number of options with which you can use to compare quality medical insurance plans. If you wish to proceed with a plan, then select the plan, and a licensed insurance advisor will contact you and establish your needs.

Plan pages

Pacific Prime Latin America offers more than just local Latin America health insurance policies. While this is a type of insurance we do sell, we also provide:

What’s great about the above links is that upon clicking, you will be greeted by useful information that aims to guide, describe, and answer any questions you may have.

Insurance partners

This section showcases our successful relationships with some of the most globally recognized insurance companies. From this section of the website, users can find out more about these providers, and get started with finding plans from those particular insurers.

Pacific Prime Latin America is always working diligently to build relationships with new providers in order to expand our offerings in Latin America, so expect to see new insurance companies added to this section regularly.

Our current insurers include:

Check out their pages and compare plans to receive an instant quote.

Blog page

From June 2020 onwards, Pacific Prime’s marketing team and sales experts will be releasing weekly updates, covering topics including insurance, business, wellness, employee benefits, family, illness, lifestyle, current affairs, technology, and much more. Be sure to subscribe to the blog feed via email, or follow us on social media. Links are shown below:



Resources page

What sets Pacific Prime apart from other brokers is our quality content and regularly published resources. Throughout the calendar year, we will provide updates on a number of different guides, infographics, health insurance terms, and more.

In addition, as many of our clients are corporate entities and professionals from a wide range of different fields, we also publish reports that are renowned among industry insiders, insurance publications, and policyholders alike, covering key topics such as the state of health insurance and the cost of health insurance. You can find these and more on the resources page.

Corporate website

At the beginning of 2020, Pacific Prime launched its latest website for businesses. The website features a modern and professional layout and offers business leaders and HR managers an outlook on our company insurance solutions. The website has a number of pages, including:

Together, the above pages serve to inform viewers of the nature of our business. and how we can help businesses and groups find, secure, and manage comprehensive employee benefits and company insurance solutions.

Click here to view the corporate page for businesses interested in securing tailored business insurance and employee benefits solutions. You can also find this link embedded in the top right-hand corner of our official website.

About Pacific Prime

Pacific Prime was founded in 1999 by Neil Raymond, with the mission of simplifying insurance for international customers looking for health coverage. Over two decades later, Pacific Prime is now one of the world’s largest employee benefits and insurance brokers.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Pacific Prime now has offices in Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Dubai, Bangkok, London, Cebu, Los Angeles, and Mexico City.

Pacific Prime’s global team is made up of 550+ insurance experts representing 35 different nationalities and speaking over 28 different languages. We now have over 500,000 individual and 3,000+ corporate clients worldwide, including over 150 international schools in our portfolio.

Moving forward, Pacific Prime looks set to grow across Latin America and the US to offer clients excellent services and impartial advice.

Award-winning brokerage

Pacific Prime is an award-winning insurance brokerage, earning accolades from major insurers and publishers, including winning renowned insurance provider Bupa Global’s Top Global Distributor award for three consecutive years.

Innovative solutions for businesses

Always looking to innovate and excel, Pacific Prime’s in-house IT team has developed a number of advanced technological solutions for both users and employees, all with the goal of making the health insurance process as simple as possible for our clients.

For 2020, Pacific Prime Latin America looks forward to offering the state-of-the-art Prime Care Portal to its corporate clients at no extra cost. The online platform will help streamline the employee benefits administration process for HR teams in Latin America.

Get in touch to discover more from Pacific Prime Latin America

With our website now live, you can access valuable insurance knowledge, compare plans that are available from top local and global insurers, and get a free price quote.

Of course, if you are a person that prefers to have someone real to speak to, you can contact us today and we will have one of our knowledgeable insurance advisors reach out to you.

From the team at Pacific Prime Latin America, thank you for exploring our website, and we look forward to serving you in Latin America with local and international health insurance services and products throughout 2020 and beyond!

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Content Creator at Pacific Prime Latin America
Jimmy is a content writer who helps simplify insurance for readers interested in international private medical insurance. He is on a mission in Thailand to support locals, expatriates, and businesses by bring the latest news and updates to his Pacific Prime blog articles.

His expert view and wealth of knowledge on insurance can also be found in his blogs for China, Dubai, Hong Kong, and Singapore.